
For a quick answer to your questions, please consult our page FAQ.

Our customer service is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm to respond to all your requests and our telephone line is also available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm

If you wish to contact us by e-mail, we invite you to complete the form below.
In the event of a trip cancelation, please don't forget you must contact your airline or travel agency previously.

How would you like to contact us?


Our team is available to help you choose your travel insurance.

AVI Paris Office (FRANCE) AVI Madrid Office (SPAIN)

+33 1 44 63 51 00​

+34 917 909 889​

In case of emergency contact our assistance service available 24/7.
Where can I find the number?

  • In your personal account
  • On your insurance documents received by email
  • In the AVI International mobile application